has been a most interesting, busy, and delightful week for The Elf. We seem to
be sorta caught up on our ‘cooking up a storm and freezing stuffs’ so we can
have quality time when Jud (Elf Brother) and Suzanne (Elf Brother Girlfriend)
arrive later this week.
we dive into The Expert’s dish of the week, Vegan Cabbage Rolls, we wanted to
share another fun interaction we had with Brooke Foster at a local restaurant
called City Grille. Brooke is the fiancee of owner/chef Zack Athearn and is
vitally involved in the operations side, along with Zack’s Mom, Kim Kroeze. Anyway,
Brooke sat with us not long ago for a bit when she had some breathin' room and
asked The Elf about being vegan. What led us to move from being
vegetarian to vegan? What do we eat? How soon a vegan entrée will be a part of
the City Grille menu. How has eating plant-based made a difference in our
Brooke and The Elf at City Grille in Madison MS
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was another great opportunity to talk about all of the aspects of being a
vegan or plant-based ‘eater’…the good, the challenges, the cooking, the
misconceptions, the ‘humor’ and the stereotyping.
many people say, “I just couldn’t be a vegan. I can’t give up eggs, cheese and
meat.” My response to that is “You don’t
HAVE to make the leap in toto (and I don’t mean THAT Toto). Just go vegan for a
day a week…challenge yourself to go one day without an egg, dairy, cheese or
meat.” It CAN be done and The Elf will be handy for support, encouragement,
recipes and other assorted stuffs. It took us 64 years to make the decision to
become vegetarian and another 3 to become vegan. Two earlier blog posts speak to this in more
To V or Not To
V posted 5/21 as our inaugural post
It’s Not As
Hard As You Think posted 7/9
the most exciting part of this, though, is the upswing in people asking about
being plant-based with genuine interest and not derision.
Expert’s recipe of the week…FatFree Vegan Kitchen’s Vegan Cabbage Rolls
we go. We undertook this recipe for a couple of reasons. First, it was the week
of St. Patrick’s Day so we were compelled to do something with cabbage; second,
we had never attempted cabbage rolls before so figure it was about damn time we
did. We read over the recipe a couple of times and were fully cognizant of the
need for preparation ahead of time. No surprise there. So, we cooked the
lentils and brown rice on Monday; Tuesday we made the filling (and I thought I
was going to have to throttle Big Solid because he kept sticking a spoon in for
a bite or several). Wednesday was THE DAY. As you can see by the pictures, it
IS a labor intensive effort and I told Big Solid about half-way through pulling
leaves off a large head of boiling/simmering cabbage, "I’M NEVER DOIN’ THIS
how’d it turn out? Well there’s good news and there’s less good news. The good
news is that the filling is outstanding; the less good news is that the cabbage
leaves we pulled delicately off the boiling cabbage head were incredibly
tough—even after over an hour of simmering in an enamel cast iron Dutch Oven. Susan Voisin, THE EXPERT, and The Elf have
communicated extensively about this and figured it was just one of those
cabbages from hell that refused to soften up. And, we have decided that the
recipe is most certainly worth another go. Perhaps we will try a different
means of softening the leaves by the freezing method that Susan mentioned in
the recipe (and will be trying herownself soon) OR pulling leaves from a
simmering head AND then parboiling them a bit longer to assure a tender roll. We are happy to entertain your comments on
how you’ve obtained your cabbage leaves. Here's the progression of the recipe, the finished meal and the rest of the story!
We pre-cooked our lentils
and brown rice;
The filling is finished a day ahead;
Cabbage leaves gently taken from a boiling head of cabbage;
Stuffed leaves ready for rollin'
"Roll 'em up, roll 'em up and THROW 'em in the pan"
Ready for a nice long simmer! ANTICIPATION!!
The finished plate...rolls, a bit of sauce and mashed potatoes (with skin)
story doesn’t end here. When you get
lemons (or tough cabbage leaves) you made lemonade..or in this case CABBAGE
ROLL SOUP! So here's what we did!
We had some leftover cabbage, shredded and sauteed it.
We 'unrolled' the remaining rolls, tossed the tough leaves and kept the luscious fillin'
We pureed half of the remaining sauce and added it with two cups of fatfree vegetable stock. We then added the non-pureed
sauce with another two cups of veggie stock, some additional seasonings
(you can pretty much add what you like). We added some liquid smoke,
cayenne and harissa for some punch. All we need now is some cornsticks and a bowl. It's very very tasty and there's not a tough cabbage leaf to be found!
moment you’ve all been waiting for!!! TA-DA!! Next week’s recipe! Well, since Big
Solid will be out of town, we will prepare a dish using a vegetable he doesn’t
particularly care for…eggplant. This one sounds awesome and very low calorie,
which means The Elf can eat ALL OF IT!! Tofu and Vegetable Cacciatore!!
dishes we prepared during the week were a luscious asparagus tofu scramble,
the FFVK recipe for Colcannon Puffs and a veganized Fruit Cocktail cake. We used cabbage in the colcannon where as FFVK
used kale. We also made our ‘puffs’ a bit smaller…in fact, they came out so
light, we called them Colcannon Bluffs because they bluffed you into thinking
you were eating a lot!
We ate these by the handfuls!!
For our ARF peeps this week, we made a veganized version of that old favorite Fruit Cocktail Cake. Our main concern was how to create a dairy free evaporated milk for the topping. There are several options but we wound up using a double portion of powdered soy milk. We were apprehensive about how it would taste. If you'll notice in the upper corner of the cake, a small piece is missing...we HAD to try it, dontcha know?? Well, we were NOT disappointed A'TALL!! It was delicious.
And finally, we love a tofu scramble and this week's was no exception. A nice asparagus tofu scramble with mushrooms, onions, 'shredded chikun' and home baked pumpernickel toast. It served us for a couple of meals which is fine by us!
So, there you have another week with the Elf. We hope you'll return to us next week and enjoy another recipe and other Elfin adventures. In the meantime, that’s the vegan wrap for this week. Til
next week, y’all, breathe deep, eat plants and love life.
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