Hi y'all...time to catch up from a busy holiday weekend last week and an even busier week so far. I thought I was retired but I swear, the day goes by so fast it's kinda scary. Welcome to my world today....and how I try to stay on the path of plant-based eating and being healthy.
have found that making substantial quantities of things we enjoy is an easy and
efficient way to make sure we have a supply on hand for quick meals or those
last minute “what am I going to fix now?”
This week has been of those where I spent the entire mornings in the kitchen making
‘stuffs’. Sunday was biscuit makin’ day and
Monday was sausage makin’ day.
Waiting for the 'good stuffs' |
Fresh nutmeg is hard to beat |
Here are the dry ingredients for the sausages. Grateful acknowledgement to The Gentle Chef's cookbook for this recipe. We made several different sausages from a basic recipe, changing the seasonings to make the sausage we want (Italian, Andouille, Breakfast and Bratwurst).
Bag O'Biscuits |
are committed breakfast eaters and believe strongly in the benefits of getting
your day started off with some good food. We also prefer a hot breakfast to,
say a smoothie, but that’s just not us. Since Big Solid is not a total vegan, he
usually wants an egg white omelet (veggie cheese) or just scrambled egg whites
with some veggie cheese mixed in. He also gets two vegan biscuits; I make up a
whole ‘passel’ of those suckers and freeze them.
So, all I have to do in the morning in pull a couple from the freezer. By the
time the oven is hot
enough, they have thawed and ready to bake. He also gets two slices of vegan breakfast
sausage (compliments of The Gentle Chef cookbook) and one serving of egg whites.
Big Solid's Breakfast |
Avocado and tomato 'sammich' |
I have an entirely different breakfast—a
breakfast sandwich of two slices of whole wheat bread, a quarter of a ripe (but
not TOO ripe) avocado and a couple of slices of fresh tomato. Truth be told,
there are many occasions when I go all out and eat a WHOLE HALF of the avocado.
I love them. This routine gets boring sometimes and we
may enjoy a tofu scramble but our basic breakfast stands. We are entirely predictable! We do like
cereal and fruit but have a tendency to eat that as a snack with almond milk.
time is sandwich or Boca Burger time. We
keep a chickpea ‘chik’n’ salad handy as well. But our MOST FAVORITE lunch is
almost always a soup of some kind. This week, I made up a recipe for a very
spicy cabbage soup that is high on flavor (and heat) and low on calories and
fat. It made 12 cups so we have been
able to enjoy either a half cup with a sandwich or a whole cup with some beluga
lentils thrown in. I call it “Kiki’s KickAss Kabbage Soup”. Before I publish
the recipe for y’all to try, I want to make sure I can replicate it without too
much deviance from the original. I’m bad about just throwing things in
(spice-wise) and not writing down amounts.
Other soup favorites of ours are from Vegetarian Times--Fennel and
Tomato soup with Seitan Italian sausage and Spicy Three Bean Chili. We DO like
out spiciness. We'll have a soup day post one of these days with recipes and pitchers too!
Roasted Jerk Garbanzos |
much as I love to cook and play in the kitchen, I really don’t like to HAVE to
cook. So, as the afternoon wears on (and I haven’t yet come up with anything
remotely interesting to prepare),
pressure to CREATE something wonderful mounts. Big Solid has told me
time and time again, “it doesn’t have to be a gourmet meal”. Herein lies a bit
of a problem…I LOVE brown rice and beans/lentils. Big Solid does not like rice.
I LOVE a good casserole or lasagna. Big Solid does not like lasagna or one-dish
meals. I would LOVE to fix a risotto…Big Solid does not like risotto. THAT
being said, the man is a SAINT for eating just about whatever I put on the
table and has embraced the plant-based lifestyle for ‘hisownself’. His “AHA
moment” came with reading The China Study and then was solidified by
hearing Dr. Neal Barnard’s lecture her last year (Jackson MS) as well. He did
TRY the vegan regimen for a pretty good while but decided it was just not the
way he wanted to live and eat. When we eat at home, we eat vegan (except for
his egg white breakfast). But when we go out, he partakes of chicken or
Roasted Broccoli and B. Sprouts |
our suppers usually consist of portabella fajitas, the ‘fauxsages’ I talked
about earlier in today’s blog and some roasted veggies, jerk tofu or LAST
NIGHT’S effort which was so good I could hardly stand it. We had a curried Seitan with chickpeas and
roasted broccoli and Brussels sprouts. The Curried Seitan was ‘store-bought’
from Whole Foods (Sweet Earth Curried Recipe Seitan). Now, I want to try to
make it instead of having to buy it.
Curried Seitan--SO GOOD! |
now, lookee here!! I got my FIRST ever box/bags of bounty from a local CSA
(Community Supported Agriculture) in which I bought a share for the summer. It’s
from Amorphous Gardens owned and run by Jonathan and Sevanna Picarsic. It’s
located outside of Canton MS and from the looks of these treasures, it’s going
to be a fun summer. This is a partial picture as I couldn’t fit everything in…but
you can see zucchini, elephant garlic, squashes (different kinds), baby leeks,
baby carrots, new potatoes, baby onions and FRESH BLACKBERRIES!!
Gardens' booth/table can be found at the Jackson Farmers’ Market on Saturdays and the Madison
Farmers’ on Tuesday afternoons. If you
are not local, this whole CSA thing is quite fun so look one up in your area
(if you haven’t already). Can’t wait now for next week’s offerings. http://www.localharvest.org/amorphous-gardens-M44914
Swearengen Salute this week is an amazing site/person that has been such an influence on what I cook and recipes to try. The site is The “V” Word http://thevword.net/
and it is powered by Rhea Parsons. Rhea, whom I’ve never met personally, is
like a tried and true friend. She is tireless in her promotion of the vegan
lifestyle, committed to animal welfare and cooks like a son-of-a-gun. She has recipes galore and works hard to develop some delicious gluten-free meals as well. Rhea is very accessible and never fails to respond to a question or a comment. The “V” Word has a FaceBook page as well, so
add that to your list of ‘likes’.
Thank you Janne. I'm honored and humbled. You rock too!